Hi, my name is

Kiarash Mirkamandari

Student at Queen's University

A passionate AI student and developer. I tend to make use of modern and advanced models to develop efficient and powerful deep learning projects.

About Me

Hi there! I’m Kiarash, a third year student at Queen’s University enrolled in computing with a focus in artifical intelligence and a minor in mathematics.

I have experience in data analysis and machine learning as well as some web developement. I enjoy learning new technologies and frameworks, and I’m always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow as a developer.

You can check out my GitHub profile for more details on these and other projects. I’m also active on LinkedIn, where you can find more information about my education and work experience. Feel free to connect with me as I’m always happy to meet new people and learn from them.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Python
  • Pytorch
  • Tensorflow
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SQL


Full-Stack Developer - BMO
May 2023 - Aug 2023

Interned as a Full-Stack developer at BMO’s Toronto Office. As part of a large team, I primarily focused on backend tasks, tackling a multitude of issues and gaining valuable hands-on experience.

  • Working with Java and microservices using various tools and applications.
  • Collaborating with different teams to resolve issues.


2022 - present
Computing with Focus in Artificial Intelligence, Minor in Mathematics
Queen's University, Kingston

Extracurricular Activities

  • QMIND –> Director of Computer Vision
  • Queen’s Startup Consulting –> Technical Consultant
  • Queen’s Merlin Neurotech –> Researcher
  • inQubate –> Venture Founder
  • Queen’s Space Engineering Team –> Electrical and Software Member
2018 - 2022
High School
John F. Ross CVI, Guelph
GPA: 94.8%

(French Immersion Stream)

Participated in several contests hosted by the University of Waterloo

  • Pascal, Fryer, Galois, CIMC (2x), CSMC (2x)
  • CCC Junior, CCC Senior

Extracurricular Activities

  • Programming Club
  • Chess Club
  • Science Olympics
  • DECA
  • Junior Boys Soccer Team
  • Badminton Club


Touchless Browse
Python Computer Vision OpenCV Pyaudio Pydub Whisper ChatGPT API
Touchless Browse
TouchlessBrowse is a web browser that does not require any mouse or keyboard interactions. By using voice commands, users could navigate the web by using the GPT3.5 and Whisper models. Additionally, by using OpenCV for computer vision, users could simulate mouse movements by pointing their fingers at their webcam.
Flashcard Generator
Python Pytorch BART Flask API Hugging Face Models Deep Learning NLP
Flashcard Generator
The Flashcard Generator API is a Python project that leverages advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques and pre-trained models such as BART and Sentence-BERT to automatically generate relevant flashcards and precise answers from provided text. By utilizing NLP pipelines and ranking mechanisms, the API enables users to extract key information and efficiently create study materials for educational and knowledge retention purposes.
EEG Brain Computer Interface
Python Pytorch Pygame OpenBCI Deep Learning Mathematical Analysis Research
EEG Brain Computer Interface
Using signal processing and advanced ML techniques, we accurately detect blinks through brain signals, allowing users to play games utilizing brain signal processing. In just 5 weeks, our SVM model achieved an impressive 94.4% accuracy for blink detection. We showcased the device at CUCAI 2023, demonstrating the ability to play games without any physical touch.
Covid Trend Analysis
Python Numpy Pandas MatplotLib Data Science Research
Covid Trend Analysis
The project aimed to conduct a detailed analysis of COVID cases, exploring the correlation between geographical variations and fluctuations in the number of cases. With a strict two-month deadline, I dedicated time to self-study data science techniques and ensured careful data gathering and comprehensive analysis.
Java Swing CSV Supervised Project
Led a team of three fellow students during the design and coding phase of a minimalistic hospital application. Our aim was to improve organization within hospital settings by leveraging the Swing framework. Despite facing a strict deadline and having limited tools at our disposal, we successfully delivered a functional and user-friendly application that addressed the specific needs of hospitals.
Professional Photography Portfolio
Hugo CSS HTML Javascript
Professional Photography Portfolio
Developped a photography portfolio for a student using the Hugo Framework. Through the project, I incorporated JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code to customize and redesign various aspects of the website's display. Hosted through Netlify.

Achievements & Awards

2nd Place at University of Toronto's 2023 ProjectX International Machine Learning Research Competition
Achieved 2nd place, representing Queen's University in a team of 4 students at UofT's 2023 ProjectX, a competitive AI research competition with participation from more than 20 top global universities.
2nd Place at Queen's Hack The Track Autonomous Racing Hackathon
Created a virtual autonomus racer which went up against 75 racers and 26 teams in a timed race.
Queen's University Excellence Scholarship
Awarded to students entering their first year of undergraduate studies with an admission average of 90%-94.9%.
Certificate of Distinction
Ranked in the top 25% of contestants in the University of Waterloo's annual Fermat Mathematics Contest.
Leslie Wyber Excellence Scholarship (2x)
Awarded to the student that has shown exceptional musicianship and accelerated improvement in their musical skills through the year.
GCVI Junior Science Olympics Overall 1st Place
Regional competition incorporating all fields of science such as engineering, biology, math, chemistry, and physics.